Honey - HVBee Raw Honey 1lb Mug

Honey - HVBee Raw Honey 1lb Mug

Straight from the hive into the mug!

Our honey is raw and we do not use any heat in the process of uncapping or extracting. We use a course filter (600 micron) so you get all of the goodness raw honey has to offer! Much of our honey comes from Greene County where we have an organic farm. 

Choose from Light, Medium or Dark.  

Light honey comes from the early spring and summer blooms for a taste that is simply sweet but, not insipid. Light honey could include basswood, dandelion, willow, heather, hellebore, apple trees, anemone, sweet pea and many others. 

Medium honey includes the bountiful array of summertime blooms such as thyme, hyssop, catnip, lavender, mountain mint, coneflower, borage, thistle, comfrey, milkweeds and many others. 

Dark honey is a sweet and complex. It compliments late forage flowers such as aster, knotweed, goldenrod, sage, poppy, yarrow and many others.

Do not give raw honey to children under 2 years old.